Trial Period and Change of Subscription

Unless you have not already tested our subscription features, a 30-day subscription trial period starts once after upgrading to Premium or Teacher. You may cancel the subscription trial any time without any cost.

During the trial period, you may switch back and forth between the Premium and Teacher subscriptions.

Without notice, we will debit the annual fee for the subscription you chose last after 30 days.

The 12 months subscription period only starts once the annual fee has been debited.

If you want to upgrade from Premium to Teacher after the annual fee has been debited, do not hesitate to do so. The remaining Premium subscription period will be taken into account proportionally to the difference in price (3:1) for the Teacher subscription. For example, 30 Premium days are equivalent to 10 Teacher days.

Subscription Management on the Platform

Subscription management

When you log on to, your current subscription status and the period of validity of your subscription are displayed under “My subscription”. In the subscription summary, you can up- or downgrade any time or cancel your subscription with a simple mouse click.

There is no need for any additional communication between you and us regarding the notice, as your subscription status is updated immediately.
